Your contact informationFirst name*Last name*Company Name*Email*Mobile phone*Attendee informationI am registering the following attendees for:*The Supervisor Training - "Reasonable Suspicion" Course ($129/person - ON SALE for a limited time $79/person!)The DER “Designated Employee Representatives” ($129/person - ON SALE for a limited time $79/person!)Both The Supervisor Training and DER courses ($248/person - ON SALE for a limited time $129/person!)Attendee #1 first nameAttendee #1 last nameAttendee #1 emailAttendee #2 first nameAttendee #2 last nameAttendee #2 emailAttendee #3 first nameAttendee #3 last nameAttendee #3 emailAttendee #4 first nameAttendee #4 last nameAttendee #4 emailGrand Total ($)*Payment detailsYou may pay by credit card on the next screen after you submit this registration. If you wish to be invoiced and pay by check, we'll send you a confirmation invoice in a few days.Payment Type*I'll pay by credit card on the next screenI'll pay by check, please send me an invoiceCommentsSubmit